farmer run, durham focused.
Providing access to fresh food for all of our community, championing small farmers and artisans, and fostering a thriving and participatory local economy.
501 Foster Street,
Durham, NC 27701
DCP Pavilion
Saturday Main Season Hours (March 15-November 2) : 8am - 12pm
Saturday Winter Hours (November 9-March 9): 9am - 12pm
Wednesday Market (April 15 - October 15): 3pm - 6pm
Thanksgiving Market (November 25): 2-5pm

locally grown, locally raised, locally crafted.
The Durham Farmers’ Market is a community of farmers, growers and crafters. We are strongly committed to local products: every item you see at the market was produced by the people selling it, and it all comes from no more than 70 miles away.
our programs
The Durham Farmers’ Market is committed to being a space for ALL families and individuals in our community. Learn more about the various programs offered at the DFM.
Double your SNAP, WIC, and Senior FMNP dollars with our Double Bucks program.
Providing space for the youth in our community to learn about nutrition, seasonal eating, cooking tips, how to grow vegetables, composting, and much more.
Learn about how we are working to increase the diversity of our membership in hopes of more accurately reflecting the demographics of our community.

serving our community,
served by our community
Without our loyal community of volunteers, donors, and sponsors, our market would not be the thriving space that it is. We are truly grateful for all the ways that our customers support the market.