become a vendor

Thank you for your interest in joining the Durham Farmers’ Market!

The market is looking for:

  • New and exciting products

  • Filling gaps in market products

  • Vendors who source local ingredients and inputs in their products

  • BIPOC vendor representation

  • Sustainable and ethical business practices

We are a membership organization comprised of local farmers and craftspeople. Eligible vendors must reside and produce items to be sold within a 70 mile radius of Durham city limits, in the state of North Carolina.  All applicants are encouraged to visit the market before applying.

Prior to submitting an application, please read and review our Official Rules and By-Laws to see if your business fits our eligibility requirements. 

In order to reach our desired ratio of 65% Farmer Vendors to 35% Crafter Vendors, we will not be accepting Crafter Vendors as Full Members this season.

If you are a Crafter offering products that you think would be new or important contributions to the market, please apply using our Guest Vendor Application.

We also encourage Crafter vendors to reach out to the Durham Craft Market or Cecy’s Art Market. Please note that no food trucks are admitted to the Durham Farmers’ Market.

Thanks again for your interest in becoming a vendor at the Durham Farmers’ Market!

New Member Application

New Member applicants are vendors looking to permanently join the DFM member community whose operations reside within a 70 mile radius of the DFM.  We offer the following options:

  • Saturday Main season membership 

    • This is our broadest membership. Members in this category are permitted to attend both Wednesday markets and Winter markets

  • Wednesday-Only membership 

  • Winter Market-Only membership  

Vendors should offer products that serve to complement and enhance the market's current offerings. We are currently not accepting new crafter or prepared food vendors as Members, though we encourage you to apply as a Guest Vendor.

Guest Vendor Application

The Guest Vendor program is for: 

  • Unique and highly desirable products or services that are currently not represented at market, but that are outside the 70 mile radius requirement.

  • Guest memberships can sometimes serve as trial memberships, prior to being accepted as full members.

Acceptance as a Guest Vendor does NOT make the vendor a market member and the Guest Vendor does NOT attain any of the privileges of membership, such as seniority, space reservations, or voting rights. Guest vendors are allowed to attend markets year round as space permits and must reapply each year. Examples of current guest vendor products are: seafood, seasonal apples, gelato, coffee. It is our standard procedure to only accept guest vendors during our normal application cycle. In rare circumstances, we may accept unique guest vendors outside of that window to fill specific needs.